Response from Mr Peter Davidson, Levens Parish Council
1. Mr Peter Davidson, Levens Parish Council : 15 Oct 2012 12:48:00
Please add your response below: (limit 3000 words)
Local Development Framework
DPD Hearings
South Lakeland House
Levens Parish Council fully support comments made by the Levens Residents Group on Matter 11 site R682LV & R682LVM. The Levens Residents Group sent a survey to EVERY household in Levens and what emerged from the 73% of respondents is significant opposition to the development of this site among residents of Levens, even those who do not live near to the site. This information was provided in the Emerging Options consultation. The site is so important to parishioners and visitors in a range of rural landscape terms and is situated around 200yards from the new boundary of the Lake District National Park and will be clearly visible from within the National Park.
Of special significance is the fact that SLDC had already accepted the findings of these earlier consultations and withdrawn the site. As the true position is clearly against any development we feel there should be no compromise and that development should not take place on this site.
Levens Parish Council also makes a response in support of the SLDC Proposed Main Modification concerning site RN121M-mod, residents opinion this site is suitable for agricultural/employment land.