Response from Miss Ellen Bernfield (Individual)
1. Miss Ellen Bernfield (Individual) : 10 Oct 2012 10:09:00
Please add your response below: (limit 3000 words)
‘Main Modifications’ 18 September 2012
With reference to sites in Arnside
Main Modification 01 Para 1.23 p.11 Section 1: Introduction
« Policy LA1.0 Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development » refers to “specific policies in that …[NPPF]…framework indicate that development should be restricted”.
SLDC DPD is still deficient in ignoring national protected status of AONBs (NPPF14, Footnote 9; NPPF 115; NPPF 116) and has not justified or amended its methodology in selection of sites to take this special protection into account.
• Request DPD change to reflect Arnside’s protected status and to prevent unnecessary and inappropriate overdevelopment of sites within the AONB.
Main Modification 02 Para 1.24 p.11 Section 1: Introduction
‘Duty to Cooperate’ and “management of environmental assets”.
SLDC still fails to address special protected status of AONBs (see above) and does not even mention the AONB in this context in its amended Introduction. SLDC has also provided no evidence of cross-border cooperation (a legal requirement) with Lancaster District to protect the Arnside and Silverdale AONB from inappropriate overdevelopment and has, once again, failed to alter its methodology criteria in selection of sites to take this national protection into account.
• Request DPD change to address special protection status for communities within an AONB, plus evidence of cross-border cooperation with Lancaster District to ensure such protections are adhered to (NPPF 178 – ref. para 156, & NPPF 182).
Main Modification 18 Para 3.93 p.86 Section 2: Land Allocations
SLDC is still ignoring Arnside village residents’ significant opposition to development of the designated ‘greenfield’ and ‘local green space’ sites within the village boundaries, is wilfully ignoring the Arnside Parish Plan Trust/Arnside Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan, and has left unchanged its criteria in selection of sites, to take their special status into account.
• Request DPD change to conform to ‘local green space’ highest status protection (NPPF 76 & NPPF 77).