4 responses from Mr Paul Woodacre (Individual)
1. Mr Paul Woodacre (Individual) : 4 Apr 2012 21:19:00
Before completing this online representation please tick the box to show you have read the 'Guidance Notes for Making a Representation'
I have read the guidance notes
Policy/Site No.
LA1.3 Housing Allocations - RN109M RN315# SWARTHMOOR OFF CROSS-a-MOOR
1.1 Do you consider that the South Lakeland District Council Land Allocations DPD is legally compliant?
1.2 If NO please identify which test of legal compliance your representation relates to by selecting the relevant option(s) below and completing section 1.3.
The processes of community involvement in developing the DPD are not in general accordance of the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
1.3 Please give details of the change(s) you consider necessary to make the South Lakeland District Council Land Allocations DPD legally compliant, having regard to the test you have identified at question 1.2 above.
It would be helpful if you could state your proposed change to the DPD and the reasons why you think it is necessary.
sldc have not been credible in informing the local populace in the beginning of these proposals for land allocation? I for one living in cross-a-moor, had no knowledge of this untill a local man was browsing the sldc web site and came across what we now know to be a development plan?
What happened to DEMOCRACY????
2.1 Do you consider that the South Lakeland District Council Land Allocations DPD is sound?
2.2 If NO please identify which test of soundness your representation relates to by selecting the relevant option(s) below and completing section 2.3.
The DPD is not justified in that it is not founded on a robust and credible evidence base and/or is not considered the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives.
2.3 Please give details of the change(s) you consider necessary to make the South Lakeland District Council Land Allocations DPD sound, having regard to the test you have identified at question 2.2 above.
It would be helpful if you could state your proposed change to the DPD and the reasons why you think it is necessary.
There are no job's in the area, and take with a pinch of salt that there are going to be load's of
job's with glaxo.
And i would like to know if it were built, what SCHOOL'S would the children go too?
And finally would there be traffic light's being installed at cross-a-moor for the increase in traffic
to get out onto the A590? I for one living at number 10 cross-a-moor, working 2 miles from home have to be out for 7.30am for 7.50 start.
3.1 If your representation is seeking a change, do you consider it necessary to participate in the oral part of the examination?
NO, I do not wish to participate at the oral examination
2. Mr Paul Woodacre (Individual) : 11 May 2012 09:42:00
Before completing this online representation please tick the box to show you have read the 'Guidance Notes for Making a Representation'
I have read the guidance notes
Paragraph No.
1.1 Do you consider that the South Lakeland District Council Land Allocations DPD is legally compliant?
1.2 If NO please identify which test of legal compliance your representation relates to by selecting the relevant option(s) below and completing section 1.3.
The processes of community involvement in developing the DPD are not in general accordance of the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
1.3 Please give details of the change(s) you consider necessary to make the South Lakeland District Council Land Allocations DPD legally compliant, having regard to the test you have identified at question 1.2 above.
It would be helpful if you could state your proposed change to the DPD and the reasons why you think it is necessary.
sldc have not been credible in informing the local populace in the beginning of these proposals for land allocation? I for one living in cross-a-moor, had no knowledge of this untill a local man was browsing the sldc web site and came across what we now know to be a development plan?
What happened to DEMOCRACY????
3.1 If your representation is seeking a change, do you consider it necessary to participate in the oral part of the examination?
NO, I do not wish to participate at the oral examination
3. Mr Paul Woodacre (Individual) : 22 May 2012 12:01:00
Before completing this online representation please tick the box to show you have read the 'Guidance Notes for Making a Representation'
I have read the guidance notes
Policy/Site No.
LA1.3 Housing Allocations - All Ulverston sites
2.2 If NO please identify which test of soundness your representation relates to by selecting the relevant option(s) below and completing section 2.3.
The DPD is not justified in that it is not founded on a robust and credible evidence base and/or is not considered the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives.
2.3 Please give details of the change(s) you consider necessary to make the South Lakeland District Council Land Allocations DPD sound, having regard to the test you have identified at question 2.2 above.
It would be helpful if you could state your proposed change to the DPD and the reasons why you think it is necessary.
There are no job's in the area, and take with a pinch of salt that there are going to be load's of
job's with glaxo.
And i would like to know if it were built, what SCHOOL'S would the children go too?
And finally would there be traffic light's being installed at cross-a-moor for the increase in traffic
to get out onto the A590? I for one living at number 10 cross-a-moor, working 2 miles from home have to be out for 7.30am for 7.50 start.
3.1 If your representation is seeking a change, do you consider it necessary to participate in the oral part of the examination?
NO, I do not wish to participate at the oral examination
4. Mr Paul Woodacre (Individual) : 22 May 2012 12:12:00
Before completing this online representation please tick the box to show you have read the 'Guidance Notes for Making a Representation'
I have read the guidance notes
Policy/Site No.
LA1.3 Housing Allocations - All Swarthmoor sites
2.1 Do you consider that the South Lakeland District Council Land Allocations DPD is sound?
2.2 If NO please identify which test of soundness your representation relates to by selecting the relevant option(s) below and completing section 2.3.
The DPD is not justified in that it is not founded on a robust and credible evidence base and/or is not considered the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives.
2.3 Please give details of the change(s) you consider necessary to make the South Lakeland District Council Land Allocations DPD sound, having regard to the test you have identified at question 2.2 above.
It would be helpful if you could state your proposed change to the DPD and the reasons why you think it is necessary.
There are no job's in the area, and take with a pinch of salt that there are going to be load's of
job's with glaxo.
And i would like to know if it were built, what SCHOOL'S would the children go too?
And finally would there be traffic light's being installed at cross-a-moor for the increase in traffic
to get out onto the A590? I for one living at number 10 cross-a-moor, working 2 miles from home have to be out for 7.30am for 7.50 start.
3.1 If your representation is seeking a change, do you consider it necessary to participate in the oral part of the examination?
NO, I do not wish to participate at the oral examination