Response from Mr Simon Burdis (Individual)
1. Mr Simon Burdis (Individual) : 11 May 2012 17:00:00
Before completing this online representation please tick the box to show you have read the 'Guidance Notes for Making a Representation'
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2.3 Please give details of the change(s) you consider necessary to make the South Lakeland District Council Land Allocations DPD sound, having regard to the test you have identified at question 2.2 above.
It would be helpful if you could state your proposed change to the DPD and the reasons why you think it is necessary.
Sound if the needs of those with autism, learning disabilities, profound and multiple disabilities, complex needs have been taken into consideration.
I support the Land Allocations DPD if:
Every part, policy and site takes into consideration their suitability to meet the needs of vulnerable adults with disabilities, learning disabilities, profound and multiple disabilities, multisensory impairments, autism and other complex multiple needs through the development of specialist residential care, extra care housing and village/intentional communities of attachment combining housing, social care and therapeutic work opportunities based on the Camphill Village Community model.
Valuing People (1.) set out the need for partnership working between all statutory agencies, voluntary agencies and family carers to develop a wider range of choice and housing with care options including residential care and village / intentional (care) communities to provide for the needs of those with autism and disabilities as outlined above whose needs cannot be met through ordinary mainstream services and provision.
Family Carer representations to the Cumbria Learning Disability and Autism Partnership Boards (2.) have established the need for new housing and care provision through the development of village / intentional communities in Cumbria to meet the needs of the most vulnerable. This must be low density housing in a well designed environment with plenty of landscaping for privacy and dignity, availability of spacious housing to accommodate people with special needs, resident staff, volunteer workers, therapeutic horticulture / allotments, therapeutic craft workshops, community meeting room / hall space, etc. High density housing / apartments are not suitable for many with autism (3.) and complex multiple needs whose wellbeing may be adversely affected by lack of space and close proximity to too many other people, noisy traffic and activity.
The Strategic Housing Role of local Authorities: Powers and Duties (4.) states that LAs should:
Plan for and facilitate new housing supply;
Plan and commission housing support services which link homes and housing support services;
Ensure effective housing and neighbourhood management through partnership working;
Addressing the housing and housing related needs of vulnerable people... (e.g. disabled persons) which could be best met socially, environmentally and economically in the most sustainable way through the development of village / intentional communities in partnership with family carers and those with complex needs on suitable sites.
Increasingly, the needs of older family carers and people with complex needs will need to be considered jointly, either on the same or adjacent sites for ease of maintaining family relationships and ease of accessibility.
(1.) See Government White Paper: Valuing People, Department of Health, 2001, "Options should included small scale ordinary housing, supported living and village and intentional communities as well as residential care. None of these should be ruled out".
(2.) See the Focus Groups for adults on the autism spectrum and their families and carers Report October 20`` (updated march 2012) on the need for extending the range of housing options including the development of village / intentional communities (based on the Camphill Village Community model).
(3.) Adult Autism Strategy
(4.) The Strategic Housing Role of Local Authorities: Powers and Duties; Department for Communities and Local Government September 2008.
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