Response from Mrs P Moxon (Individual)
1. Mrs P Moxon (Individual) : 11 Apr 2012 16:00:00
Policy/Site No.
LA1.3 Housing Allocations - All Arnside sites
2.1 Do you consider that the South Lakeland District Council Land Allocations DPD is sound?
2.2 If NO please identify which test of soundness your representation relates to by selecting the relevant option(s) below and completing section 2.3.
The DPD is not justified in that it is not founded on a robust and credible evidence base and/or is not considered the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives.
The DPD is not effective in that the document is not deliverable, flexible or capable of being monitored.
2.3 Please give details of the change(s) you consider necessary to make the South Lakeland District Council Land Allocations DPD sound, having regard to the test you have identified at question 2.2 above.
It would be helpful if you could state your proposed change to the DPD and the reasons why you think it is necessary.
Obviously the people who have decided to build on our green sites have neither experienced the conditions or problems of living in Arnside.
Primarily the sewerage system is absolutely inadequate for the people living here. Consistently we have to 'rod' our drainage systems, otherwise 'smells and excrement are a problem. Yes, in this day and age!!
The traffic system is chaotic. Directions to the A6 via Milnthorpe consists of a winding, narrow road with a very bad bridge.
Otherwise the alternatives to the A6 is via Beetham again very narrow winding lanes.
Parking in Arnside is inadequate for the local population, never mind the tourists who visit.