3 responses from MR AIDAN SILCOCKS (Individual)
1. MR AIDAN SILCOCKS (Individual) : 10 Aug 2011 22:00:00
Settlement (e.g., Natland)
Site reference number (e.g., RN298#)
Please indicate below whether you support, support in part or oppose the suggestion that this site be included in the Land Allocations document.
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
I object to any development of this site as it currently creates a pleasant green space at the edge of the town.
I object in particular to the prospect of a retail development on this site.
Please indicate whether you support, support in part or oppose a reduction in the time span of the Land Allocations document
No view
Please indicate which of the options for the future housing and employment land needs of small villages, hamlets and open countryside you would support.
Option B - Communities and/or developers bringing forward sites for housing and employment for consideration under relevant Core Strategy policies, through neighbourhood plans and/or other local initiatives
2. MR AIDAN SILCOCKS (Individual) : 10 Aug 2011 22:26:00
Settlement (e.g., Natland)
Ulverston South
Site reference number (e.g., RN298#)
Please indicate below whether you support, support in part or oppose the suggestion that this site be included in the Land Allocations document.
Support in part
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
I support a small residential development to the west of Beehive cottages.
I do not support any other form of development on this site especially retail.
Please indicate whether you support, support in part or oppose a reduction in the time span of the Land Allocations document
No view
Please indicate which of the options for the future housing and employment land needs of small villages, hamlets and open countryside you would support.
Option B - Communities and/or developers bringing forward sites for housing and employment for consideration under relevant Core Strategy policies, through neighbourhood plans and/or other local initiatives
3. MR AIDAN SILCOCKS (Individual) : 10 Aug 2011 22:29:00
Settlement (e.g., Natland)
Ulverston South
Site reference number (e.g., RN298#)
Please indicate below whether you support, support in part or oppose the suggestion that this site be included in the Land Allocations document.
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
This site is totally unsuitable for development.
Please indicate whether you support, support in part or oppose a reduction in the time span of the Land Allocations document
No view
Please indicate which of the options for the future housing and employment land needs of small villages, hamlets and open countryside you would support.
Option B - Communities and/or developers bringing forward sites for housing and employment for consideration under relevant Core Strategy policies, through neighbourhood plans and/or other local initiatives