2 responses from Mrs Lorraine Thompson (Individual)
1. Mrs Lorraine Thompson (Individual) : 3 Sep 2011 17:43:00
Settlement (e.g., Natland)
Swarthmoor and Cross a Moor
Site reference number (e.g., RN298#)
RN315# RN328# RN105# RN106# RN242# (in addition to RN109M)
Please indicate below whether you support, support in part or oppose the suggestion that this site be included in the Land Allocations document.
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
The areas of land identified by individuals and business groups form the green belt from Ulverston Road to Urswick Road and is made up of fields of prime agricultural land which has, in past years under previous ownership, been used for beef and dairy cattle grazing, sheep grazing and silage and hay production. We are entering a period of time when we are going to be more dependant on on our agriculture for meat and vegetable production. We cannot afford to lose such prime land to an expansion of housing in the area and should be supporting the continual use of this land for food production.
The proposed land corridor will join Cross a Moor (a hamlet) further to Swarthmoor (Village) to Ulverston (Town). How can these communities be differentiated should further house building be approved? Members of the community have proposed more appropriate areas in the Swarthmoor area (R686SW#, R685w#) which appears to expand the village more in keeping with the current boundary and within the current community and not meld all of the communities into one. I also believe that these areas will offer a better opportunity for the SLDC to support the building of affordable housing for local people, families and young people with better access to the remaining facilities in Swarthmoor (i.e. playground, football club, village hall, Church). Any new build should enhance the community for the better of the community - a concept I do not believe would be accomplished through building homes on a belt of land on the opposite side of the village amenities. I would urge planners to consider - 1. support the building of truly affordable housing for local people, families and young people and not just a cusory number of houses because it's a requirement of the building regulations, 2. oppose the loss of prime agricultural land - when its gone, its gone, and very rarely do we see housing destroyed to make way for good land, and 3. be mindful that any new build will bring an increase in pressure on the existing infrastructure as outlined in previous responses. The local school is already operating at maximum capacity, we will very quickly reach a point where families will have to look further afield for school and nursery places. The local authority is under immense financial pressure and is not able to just create additional school places on demand.
I am a local person who had to leave the area for a period of time as I could not (and still cannot) afford to buy a house in my home community (Cross a Moor/Pennington) and so understand the need for an increase in local housing and will support the building of homes which offer real affordability and which will enhance the local community.
Please indicate whether you support, support in part or oppose a reduction in the time span of the Land Allocations document
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
I support a reduction in the time span of the land allocations document as there are changing priorities within the current government which are yet to be clarified. The extension to the consultation period has been very much appreciated and indicates that community concerns are being listened to and being taken seriously. I am not convinced that the government is listening and is on the brink of changing legislation which could lead to rash decisions which may potentially benefit the few to make great proft without considering the long term effects on the community. A shorter lifespan of the Land Allocations document could lead to further consultations in 2020 which has the potential to include the community further and to ensure that decisions are made by the community for the benefit of the community which has also been raised as a priority of the current government. I am not interested in supporting those with self serving ideas, but those developments which will support a vibrant community.
Please indicate which of the options for the future housing and employment land needs of small villages, hamlets and open countryside you would support.
Option B - Communities and/or developers bringing forward sites for housing and employment for consideration under relevant Core Strategy policies, through neighbourhood plans and/or other local initiatives
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
I would like to see greater reference made to locality based groups i.e. Parish councils, neighbourhood forums etc in order to have direct input from the community on the future development proposals from the outset, rather than towards the end of a consultation process when panic has set in. There has been a gap in information sharing which had led to a last minute response from the Swarthmoor and Cross a Moor communities, along with other communities from across the county which has led to the appreciated extension to the consultation period. However grateful I am for the extension I am also mindful that this extension is costing more money to the council tax payer - money which could be used to keep toilets open or support a local charitable group. These additional costs could be greatly reduced were well-structured, operational neighbourhood groups more actively involved. I also believe that we have a responsibility be part of a forum to contribute to decisions based on the needs of the community as a whole, rather than to the benefit of the few, and this could be achieved through a neighbourhood group made up a cross section of representatives of the community as a term of reference. There are individuals who tried to raise community awareness of development plans, we need to find a better way of communicating within the communities to ensure that plans are raised, discussed and fedback on in a much SMART-er way which could be best developed through option B - decisions made by local people for local people rather than decisions made by those who may not even live in the area and understand the needs and opinions of the community.
2. Mrs Lorraine Thompson (Individual) : 3 Sep 2011 17:59:00
Settlement (e.g., Natland)
East Lindal in Furness
Site reference number (e.g., RN298#)
Please indicate below whether you support, support in part or oppose the suggestion that this site be included in the Land Allocations document.
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
This is an area of land which offers very little scope for agricultural use - either for grazing stock or growing fruit, vegetable, grain etc, and would seem ideal for the development of affordable housing with minimal impact on the surrounding environment and neighbours. The locality could offer improved employment opportunities with the planned expansion of the local candle factory. The use of this piece of land could provide housing which could lessen the need for an increase in housing in nearby Swarthmoor. We could see a smaller scale expansion of both villages rather than a huge increase in the size of one village. A shared expansion across both villages will then share the pressure of impact the local area i.e. access to the highway, demand for school places, impact on sewerage systems etc, rather than to place a greater impact on one locality, and will lead to an increased proportion of affordable housing in both localities.
Please indicate whether you support, support in part or oppose a reduction in the time span of the Land Allocations document
Please indicate which of the options for the future housing and employment land needs of small villages, hamlets and open countryside you would support.
Option B - Communities and/or developers bringing forward sites for housing and employment for consideration under relevant Core Strategy policies, through neighbourhood plans and/or other local initiatives