3 responses from Mr & Mrs S & G M Riley (Individual)
1. Mr & Mrs S & G M Riley (Individual) : 2 Sep 2011 15:43:00
Settlement (e.g., Natland)
Kendal South East
Site reference number (e.g., RN298#)
R100, R154 and R121, ON50, RN302
Please indicate below whether you support, support in part or oppose the suggestion that this site be included in the Land Allocations document.
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
I would like to express my objections to any proposed developement to sites R100 and R154 - Kendal Castle is very much the historical hub of the town, recognised by the amount of TLC and money spent on it in recent years, by building on these sites views from Parkside Rd and Castle Green Lane would be obliterated - not only of the castle but of the stunning landscape of Scouts Scar beyond. Very few, if any, of the roads into Kendal aford such an uninterupted view of the Kendal Castle born out by the amount of local people and visitors alike who congregate to watch the fireworks display on Nov. 5th.
The amendments to R121, being RN302 and ON50 have no less impact than the original proposal. It is because of this that I am opposed to this amendment. The affects such developement would have on protected wildlife is no less serious.
I would also like to point out by developing any of these sites good agriculural land would be a great loss to the local farmers and their livelihood, who use these fields for grazing purpose.
I thank you again for the opportunity to comment.
Please indicate whether you support, support in part or oppose a reduction in the time span of the Land Allocations document
No view
2. Mr & Mrs S & G M Riley (Individual) : 20 Oct 2011 15:41:00
A typed or handwritten document was submitted. This has been scanned and can be downloaded below:
Settlement (e.g., Natland)
Site reference number (e.g., RN298#)
R121M, RN302#, ON50#
3. Mr & Mrs S & G M Riley (Individual) : 20 Oct 2011 15:41:00
A typed or handwritten document was submitted. This has been scanned and can be downloaded below:
Settlement (e.g., Natland)
Site reference number (e.g., RN298#)
R121M, RN302#, ON50#