Response from Miss Linzi Alford (Individual)
1. Miss Linzi Alford (Individual) : 5 Sep 2011 13:57:00
Settlement (e.g., Natland)
Site reference number (e.g., RN298#)
R689 , RNI5 ,ON26
Please indicate below whether you support, support in part or oppose the suggestion that this site be included in the Land Allocations document.
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
R689, land to E of Cartmel- firstly all original comments re: this site made in 2008 still apply.85 houses is a massive development given scale of Cartmel with its approx permanent dwellers numbering 220.Orchard Close is 20 properties and appearance is still only softened slightly by 19 years of shrubs/plants.The land belongs to Holker Estates.They cite Pedders Cottages as an example of their housing - Pedders Cottages consists of 12 houses and 2 flats- it is an attractive development and is for locals only rental. 85 houses tagged onto edge of village would increase village boundary and spoil the view from Hampsfell and whilst travelling down into the village.
Access through Orchard Close seems unnecessary - why disrupt an existing and settled cul de sac by directing at minimum pedestrians and cyclists through it? And access via Orchard close leads onto a narrow road with not enough room for a proper width pavement on either side and very congested at school times.
Would WELCOME affordable locals only housing but please in manageable bites, no one wants to see a "hallgarth" plonked in their village however tastefully landscaped it is promised to be.
Could the village infrastructure cope with an influx of 85 families + however many in the Home Group extension RN15.
We need development on a much more sympathetic scale which would not intrinsically alter the village character.
ON26 proposal for football /cricket pitch and coach park- appears at first as an altruistic gesture - conveniently covers LDF requirerements with the housing or is there an ulterior motive to fund the move of recreational areas from their existing sites to allow for other development in their place on the racecourse? The reason for new coach park is to ease congestion witthin village- aside from busiest days of the year when it is exceptional congested everywhere there are few "coach -jams" in Cartmel. And would the coaches "drop-off" their passengers in the village centre anyway before parking up?
Has Home group been offered land incorporated in the Holker Estates proposal to build RN15 to cover the locals only rental aspect of the LDF? Home Group Built Orchard Close - and now wishes to extend it? Would that mean that the 85 houses of adjoining R689 were all for sale - what is "local affordable housing " about that?
How about smaller housing developments, in seperate areas- no need to "sponsor" an unecessary coach park and recreation facilities- these have nothing to do with the Development Framework!
Please indicate whether you support, support in part or oppose a reduction in the time span of the Land Allocations document
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
Shorter timelines - who can see as far as 2025 into the future and predict housing needs for then - should be shorter term- and covering immediate housing requirements.
Please indicate which of the options for the future housing and employment land needs of small villages, hamlets and open countryside you would support.
Option B - Communities and/or developers bringing forward sites for housing and employment for consideration under relevant Core Strategy policies, through neighbourhood plans and/or other local initiatives
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
Sites suggested by residents of the areas affected preferable- people who know the areas.