Response from Mr and Mrs T Taylforth (Individual)
1. Mr and Mrs T Taylforth (Individual) : 8 Sep 2011 21:28:00
Settlement (e.g., Natland)
Site reference number (e.g., RN298#)
Please indicate below whether you support, support in part or oppose the suggestion that this site be included in the Land Allocations document.
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
We fully support the representations previously submitted by HOW Planning on behalf of Rawdon Property seeking an amendment to the proposed allocation of site M11M at West Lodge, Ulverston for employment development. The site is readily available and deliverable for development, and for the reasons set out in previous representations we fully support the release of this site from the Green Gap and we consider the Councils reasons for doing so are appropriate. We agree with the representations submitted by Rawdon Property which state that whilst the site is an entirely appropriate location for new development, without a change to the proposed use for this site it is unlikely to come forward for development in the short to medium term. We agree and fully support the proposal that a mix of uses including employment and a retail foodstore would be best suited to this location given the need for additional food retailing in Ulverston and the absence of a suitable, deliverable site within Ulverston town centre. This would open up the site allowing employment development to be delivered in the short term which would bring new jobs to the local area which are needed and the foodstore itself would provide additional valuable new jobs for Ulverston.
Please indicate whether you support, support in part or oppose a reduction in the time span of the Land Allocations document
Please explain your reasons/add your comments below
We consider that the previously stated timeframe for the DPO (till 2025) is appropriate and should be maintained.