Response from Mr Stephen Hughes, Sport England
1. Mr Stephen Hughes, Sport England : 15 Apr 2011 14:29:00
Which document do you wish to comment on?
Land Allocations Emerging Options Consultation Document *
20 and others (see below)
Paragraph no.
pg 20 - 2.44
Policy (where applicable)
Draft Policy G5 (and others relating to Green Infrastructure)
Do you support, oppose or support in part this section of the document
Support in part
Please explain your reasons
Paragraph 2.44 - recommend additional wording as follows;
Where the policy refers to open space being redeveloped in only exceptional circumstances, Sport England would recommend that a distinction be made for the exceptions where playing fields will be allowed to be redeveloped as opposed to other typologies of open space. Paragraph 15 of PPG 17 recognises this distinction and sets out specific criteria that would need to be met to allow for development on a playing field, something which is supported by SE's playing fields policy. The distinction would make it clear that proposals affecting playing fields will be considered in this context.
Policy G5 Green Infrastructure (and others relating to green infrastructure) - recommend minor alteration to wording as follows;
'....safeguarded from development and where possible managed to enhance their....FORMAL and informal SPORT and recreation....importance'
The inclusion of the words 'formal' and 'sport' recognises the primary role of playing fields for formal outdoor sport in the context of the above policy and will help to protect these attributes.