Response from Mrs Lesley Winter, Preston Patrick Parish Council
1. Mrs Lesley Winter, Preston Patrick Parish Council : 15 Apr 2011 06:38:00
Which document do you wish to comment on?
Settlement Factfile: Strategic Employment Sites outside Kendal to serve Kendal
Or, other document if it does not appear in the list above
Paragraph no.
Policy (where applicable)
Do you support, oppose or support in part this section of the document
Please explain your reasons
The document rejects the development of employment sites in the vicinity of Jnc 36 of the M6 (site refs E59,E58,E9,EN18,E57,E56 and M7). The Parish Council has long regarded this high value landscape as unsuitable and unsustainable for development on the grounds of adverse landscape impact, lack of services and public transport. Consequently the Parish Council fully supports the conclusions of the Fact File.