Response from Mr David Judson (Individual)
1. Mr David Judson (Individual) : 1 Apr 2011 22:31:00
Which document do you wish to comment on?
Land Allocations Emerging Options Consultation Document *
Or, other document if it does not appear in the list above
General comment about the whole principle of so many extra houses in South Lakes
General comment about the whole principle of so many extra houses in South Lakes
Paragraph no.
Not applicable
Policy (where applicable)
General comment about the whole priniple of so many extra houses in South Lakes
Do you support, oppose or support in part this section of the document
Please explain your reasons
I would like to say that I completely oppose the proposal to build so many houses in the area.
Where we live is very unlikley to be affected, so this is not a NIMBY comment.
I can see no need for this development on this scale, neither the housing nor most of the commercial develelopment.
It has not been justified at all in my view.
In the present and foreseable future, bearing in mnd the economic climate why are the houses needed and where is the employment going to come from?
To some degree, Kendal was spoilt in the 80s & 90s by several large developments. But he population in the area is at a comfortable level, particularly as it is a rural and semi rural area. There is a very great danger the character of the area will be degraded.