Response from Mr Brian Smith (Individual)
1. Mr Brian Smith (Individual) : 7 Apr 2011 15:29:00
Which document do you wish to comment on?
Land Allocations Emerging Options Consultation Document *
Do you support, oppose or support in part this section of the document
Support in part
Please explain your reasons
1. I think that the team has made a very methodical, fair and good job of land allocations. It must be extremely difficult to do. There is always going to be somebody upset and plenty of people ready to criticize.
2.I have looked at many of the sites with a view to solar housing which I have been involved in for 35 years. I have made up a report on the suitability of the sites from a first visual inspection. Some of the sites provide some wonderful opportunities with south facing slopes.
3. I have previously commented on the core strategy in which i was pleased to find references to environmental sustainability. As far as I can see this has not been carried forward from the design, construction and layout/orientation point of view. I understand that there is no national planning policy to do this which is very disappointing when other government departments are supposedly encouraging sustainability.
3.Kendal has a very wet climate and we need to take advantage of every bit of sun we get to enhance our lives. Why else do people disappear from their homes to get some sunshine on holiday! How much better to take advantage of these south facing sites in our everyday lives.
4.I propose that the design briefs for these south facing sites make it a condition that core strategy policy CS8.7 is implemented particularly with orientation to maximise solar gain. Here I am not thinking particularly of technology in the form of solar panels but to bring sunlight into the gardens and houses. Care must obviously be taken to maximise the winter solar gains whilst guarding against summer overheating. This can easily be done by good passive design.
5. We are supposed to be aiming for code 6 standards by 2025. I spoke to a large local builder and they said they were having difficulties with the current standards and are not interested in working towards the higher standards. With this in mind, some land could be recommended for self build just as allocations have been made for affordable housing. In fact, the two could go hand in hand and as I did myself, self build can be a major contributor to making housing truly affordable.
In particular, it is self build individuals who are interested in the higher standards and are prepared to experiment and show the way forward with innovative design and construction which we desperately need if we are to ever achieve code 6.
6. In summary, well done with the land allocations but please take it that step forward towards sustainable housing, especially when good agricultural land is having to be used. Make good use of the opportunity with the south facing sites. We have a huge stock of unsustainable buildings which are difficult and costly to improve, please ensure that all future housing is truly sustainable as far as is possible.