Response from Mr Philip Vance Hilborne (Individual)
1. Mr Philip Vance Hilborne (Individual) : 15 Apr 2011 12:53:00
Which document do you wish to comment on?
Land Allocations Emerging Options Consultation Document *
Please explain your reasons
I would like to make a general comment about the whole document. I do not believe that the issues surrounding inward migration and affordable housing have been adequately addressed. For example, the Briarrigg estate, next to sites R170 and R148, included a proportion of "affordable housing" when built. After speaking to residents it seems clear to me that, although some of the properties were smaller and priced lower than others, none would have been affordable in practice to those in the lowest paid jobs, who are most seriously affected by house prices. I understand that several of the "affordable" properties on the estate were sold on, and are now used as holiday homes. I believe that the construction of this kind of estate does little to address the housing problems of local people with low incomes, though it may encourage inward migration by people on high to moderate incomes, who work in the north-west. In my view a more radical approach to "affordable housing" is needed, to really make an impact.