2 responses from Mrs Kathryn Berry (Individual)
1. Mrs Kathryn Berry (Individual) : 11 May 2011 19:29:00
Broughton in Furness
Map Number
37 Broughton in Furness
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Please explain your reasons
The site is a Greenfield site on the edge of the village. To describe it as 'infill' or 'rounding off' is misleading. Development of this part of the site might lead to further development which would change the nature of the village. It is a large area of grazing and should remain as one.
There is substantial run off from the site in wet weather. Water drains from the sloping part of the site, cascades over our low wall and runs down the steep drive onto Foxfield Road. Victoria Cottage has occasionally suffered flooding in their garage and has had to take steps to divert the flow of water. Any development would increase the amount of run off and exacerbate the situation
Because the site is elevated the visual impact of any development would be greater.
The sewerage system and drains along Foxfield Road are already over-stretched and would need upgrading. Access would also be difficult.
Notes on the map that has been provided
The boundary of the site marked is inaccurately plotted. I assume it is intended to follow the existing property boundary.
2. Mrs Kathryn Berry (Individual) : 20 May 2011 11:07:00
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Broughton in Furness
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.