2 responses from Mr Charles Pillans (Individual)
1. Mr Charles Pillans (Individual) : 15 Apr 2011 15:31:00
Map Number
1 (5 of 6) Kendal South East
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Community uses
Open space
Other (as specified above)
No view
Please explain your reasons
Transportation Infrastructure:
Kendal Parks Road provides the only access to the proposed site R107M. Developing new housing will create a lot more traffic within the area. If we look at existing local car ownership rates we can estimate that 62 new houses will increase the traffic by approximately 100 cars. If the development goes ahead on R150M of approximately 240 houses the traffic may well rise to 500 extra cars in time.
The roads into the proposed new developments are already congested at “school dropping off time” and during peak “commuter” times of the day.
The area of land for the proposed site R107M is a Greenfield site. The area is used extensively for recreation by the locals for walking, children playing and in the winter time it is always covered in people sledging. Bluebell wood is a semi-natural area of woodland and area of natural beauty that has free access, but has not been formally created in the way of an urban park. If this development were to go ahead the area would effectively become an “Island” cut off from larger areas of Greenfield sites and farmland, the boundary would become completely surrounded by a Railway line on the eastern aspect and housing on the others. This would significantly reduce the amount of migration of smaller species to and from the area.
The current topographical situation would mean that any development here would require access via comparatively steep roads and paths. Over the last few years during winter the relatively level roads of Swallow Close and Teal beck have been impassable for many days. These level roads have been incredibly dangerous for the elderly and small children, a danger that would only be increased on the proposed new development with its steeper gradients.
The gardens of the houses in Swallow Close already become extremely badly waterlogged in wet summer months and especially badly during winter. The Soil Infiltration rate of the proposed sites will be dramatically reduced due to compaction of the ground from building works along with paving, drives, roofs, and roads. Any reduction in soil infiltration rate has a proven and well documented affect on Run off. Natland Mill Beck has a history of flooding and runs through the proposed development. Drainage of the land relies upon existing soakaways which in some areas are already at capacity during periods of extremely bad weather.
The Beck contains native crayfish which are already on the decline due to the impact of nearby housing.
Overlooking and Privacy:
The current houses on Swallow Close will be completely overlooked by any development on this site. The privacy of the residents will be completely destroyed by buildings on this plot.
As the possibility of being overlooked was not addressed when these streets were planned there is no “Built in Protection” either from the angles of lines of sight or trees, etc. Even if the planning department took the draconian step of insisting all windows with a viewpoint to the west were frosted, the problem would return the moment someone stepped out into a garden or driveway. Given that these houses are often inhabited by families with children the possibility of a bedroom being looked into is a very real probability and indeed a danger.
Given the height differential between the top and bottom of the slope it is unfeasible for the tried and tested use of planting being adequate in this case.
2. Mr Charles Pillans (Individual) : 1 Jun 2011 15:58:00
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Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.