8 responses from Mr. & Mrs Stephen & Angela Shepherd (Individual)
1. Mr. & Mrs Stephen & Angela Shepherd (Individual) : 15 Apr 2011 08:38:00
Map Number
31 Allithwaite
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Community uses
Open space
Please explain your reasons
The site is unsuitable for any development as it is a valuable piece of open countryside with a Public Footpath through it that is well used by locals, young groups, walkers and rambling clubs from all over the country.
The access to and from this site would be onto Wart Barrow Lane that is only single track – two cars cannot pass each other without one vehicle having to find a wide bit of grass verge - this destroys the many and varied wildflowers that grow here - let alone the farm vehicles, vans etc that regularly use it – Satnavs send everything along this lane from Grange to Allithwaite, Cark and Flookburgh, and vice versa. It is a very popular lane for walkers, runners, horse riders and cyclists - the C20 cycleway goes along it. Going from Wart Barrow Lane towards Cartmel from this site would be along Cartmel Road that is already very congested and dangerous as most of the way to Cartmel it is little more than single track – two cars can hardly pass each other, let alone the buses, farm vehicles, large lorries etc that regularly use it. It is very dangerous to walk or cycle along this road. Going from this site through the village is also dangerous as there are always cars parked down one side – they haven't anywhere else to park – so that way the road is no better than single track either. The school, children's playground and church are all on the side of this road. More vehicles would cause more problems and accidents. Emergency vehicles already struggle to get to where they are urgently needed. The access onto the B road from Grange to Flookburgh is poor and turning off this road into Church Road is worse for seeing oncoming traffic, 'near misses' often occur.
The water pressure in this area is already very poor without any more houses using 'X' no of litres a day. The electricity is also not always reliable. The field floods when it rains and the surface water from the road and bungalows drains into it.
Any development here would be very visible coming from Cartmel and would spoil the view of the village, especially as such a large estate is proposed. The view from the village across this field towards Wart Barrow Fell, and the Lake District Fells is greatly admired and should be preserved NOT lost.
This site is an ancient meadow and as such should be preserved as it is an important site for wildlife and wild flowers. The field also contains drumlins that should NOT be destroyed.
2. Mr. & Mrs Stephen & Angela Shepherd (Individual) : 15 Apr 2011 08:43:00
Map Number
31 Allithwaite
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Community uses
Open space
Other (as specified above)
No view
Please explain your reasons
The site is unsuitable for any development as it is a valuable piece of open countryside with a Public Footpath through it that is well used by locals, young groups, walkers and rambling clubs from all over the country.
The access to and from this site would be onto Cartmel Road that is already very congested and dangerous as most of the way to Cartmel it is little more than single track – two cars can hardly pass each other, let alone the buses, farm vehicles, large lorries etc that regularly use it. It is very dangerous to walk or cycle along. Going from this site through the village is also dangerous as there are always cars parked down one side – they haven't anywhere else to park – so that way the road is no better than single track either. The school, children's playground and church are all on the side of this road. More vehicles would cause more problems and accidents. Emergency vehicles already struggle to get to where they are urgently needed. The access onto the B road from Grange to Flookburgh is poor and turning off this road into Church Road is worse for seeing oncoming traffic, 'near misses' often occur.
The water pressure in this area is already very poor without any more houses using 'X' no of litres a day. The electricity is also not always reliable. The field floods when it rains and the surface water from the road drains into it.
Any development here would be very visible coming from Cartmel and would spoil the view of the village, especially as such a large estate is proposed. The view from the village across this field towards Wart Barrow Fell and the Lake District Fells is greatly admired and should be preserved NOT lost.
3. Mr. & Mrs Stephen & Angela Shepherd (Individual) : 15 Apr 2011 08:52:00
Map Number
31 Allithwaite
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Community uses
Open space
Please explain your reasons
The site is unsuitable for any development as it is a valuable piece of open countryside with views of Wart Barrow Fell.
The access to and from this site would be via Fellside onto Wart Barrow Lane that is only single track – two cars can hardly pass each other without one vehicle having to find a wide bit of grass verge, this destroys the many and varied wildflowers that grow here, let alone the farm vehicles, vans etc that regularly use it – Satnavs send everything this way from Grange to Allithwaite , Cark and Flookburgh and vice-versa. It is a very popular lane for walkers, runners, horse riders and cyclists - the C20 cycleway goes along it. Going from Wart Barrow Lane through the village is also dangerous as there are always cars parked down one side – they haven't anywhere else to park – so that way the road is no better than single track either. The school, children's playground and church are all on the side of this road. More vehicles would cause more problems and accidents. Emergency vehicles already struggle to get to where they are urgently needed. The access onto the B road from Grange to Flookburgh is poor and turning off this road into Church Road is worse for seeing oncoming traffic, 'near misses' often occur. Going from Wart Barrow Lane towards Cartmel is a dangerous road that is little more than single track most of the way – two cars have difficulty passing each other, let alone buses, farm vehicles, lorries etc that regularly use this road.
The water pressure in this area is already very poor without any more houses using 'X' no of litres a day. The electricity is also not always reliable.
4. Mr. & Mrs Stephen & Angela Shepherd (Individual) : 15 Apr 2011 08:55:00
Map Number
31 Allithwaite
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Community uses
Open space
Please explain your reasons
The site is unsuitable for any development as it is a valuable piece of open countryside with views of Wart Barrow Fell.
The access to and from this site would be via Greendales – an estate with a narrow road where children play - onto Church Road which is a dangerous road as there are always cars parked down one side – they haven't anywhere else to park – so that the road is no better than single track The school, children's playground and church are all on the side of this road. More vehicles would cause more problems and accidents. Emergency vehicles already struggle to get to where they are urgently needed. The access onto the B road from Grange to Flookburgh is poor and turning off this road into Church Road is worse for seeing oncoming traffic, 'near misses' often occur. Going towards Cartmel is dangerous as the road is little more than single track most of the way – two cars have difficulty passing each other, let alone buses, farm vehicles, lorries etc that regularly use this road.
The water pressure in this area is already very poor without any more houses using 'X' no of litres a day. The electricity is also not always reliable.
5. Mr. & Mrs Stephen & Angela Shepherd (Individual) : 25 May 2011 15:51:00
A typed or handwritten document was submitted. This has been scanned and can be downloaded below:
Map Number
31 Allithwaite
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
6. Mr. & Mrs Stephen & Angela Shepherd (Individual) : 25 May 2011 15:54:00
A typed or handwritten document was submitted. This has been scanned and can be downloaded below:
Map Number
31 Allithwaite
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
7. Mr. & Mrs Stephen & Angela Shepherd (Individual) : 25 May 2011 15:57:00
A typed or handwritten document was submitted. This has been scanned and can be downloaded below:
Map Number
31 Allithwaite
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
8. Mr. & Mrs Stephen & Angela Shepherd (Individual) : 25 May 2011 16:02:00
A typed or handwritten document was submitted. This has been scanned and can be downloaded below:
Map Number
31 Allithwaite
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.