Response from Mr Patrick Coughlan (Individual)
1. Mr Patrick Coughlan (Individual) : 14 Apr 2011 10:06:00
Map Number
1 (2 of 6) Kendal North West
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
SL1B, R129M, E33
Open space
Other (please specify)
Traffic Congestion, Polution & Noise
Other (as specified above)
Please explain your reasons
I wish to oppose the use of land on Underbarrow road to relocate the Household Waste Recycling facility (SL1B), to build a housing development (R129M) and an employment area (E33). This is because of the greatly increased volume of traffic generated along Greenside and adjoining roads into Kendal leading to increased hazards for pedestrians, especially children, and car polution and noise that will result from these plans. The proposed sites are all up steep hills outside of Kendal town centre and because of their nature will only be accessed by car and not on foot or public transport increasing the traffic safety problems in a residential area with many children.