Response from Mrs Patricia White (Individual)
1. Mrs Patricia White (Individual) : 13 Apr 2011 19:51:00
Map Number
1 (4 of 6) Kendal South West
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
R129M E33 SL1B
Community uses
Open space
Please explain your reasons
The key attractions of this residential area may on the face of it be environmental, but for this reason they are economic strengths and they are unique to Kendal. LDF's exploitative proposals ignore the benefits of maintaining an economically desirable area and if they go through, will destroy both the environment and any chance Kendal has of financial recovery.
The character of Greenside and the immediate vicinity, both as a conservation area, and in terms of the local community, will be adversely affected. Greenside in particular will become industrialised and the road a means of access, rather than a residential street.
Further development in any form, including housing, will generate an unacceptably high volume of traffic in a residential area, an increase in level of noise, emissions, and hazards to road safety ; increased congestion in already heavily congested All Hallows Lane, increased traffic along Queens Road and Gillinggate and a significant reduction in the safety of Greenside and Beast Banks where speeding is a already a problem. “Proximity” to the town centre shown on R129 ignores the fact that 80 metres above the town centre via a steep and narrow hill, directly into a one-way system. Greenside and Gillinggate have already suffered from the impact of HGV traffic from the most recent development, forced to by-pass this route.