Response from Miss Emily Berryman (Individual)
1. Miss Emily Berryman (Individual) : 13 Apr 2011 10:36:00
Map Number
1 (1 of 6) Kendal Main Proposals
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Other designation - if you want to comment on something that doesn't have a site reference e.g., development boundary, town centre boundary, green gap, please select it here
Development Boundary
No view
No view
Community uses
No view
Open space
Please explain your reasons
I oppose the deveopment of the land R121 because of:-
1. the damage it would do to the local environment.There is a lot of wildlife that live on this land i.e. many different types of birds, moles and voles frogs toads and newts as well as the farm animals that come to graze on it.
Lots of people walking and rambling enjoy the sight and use of these surroundings including the people staying at the hotel. I have met people walking around here from many different parts of the world who comment on its beauty.
2. The increase in the number of cars would increase the pollution not just around here, but also going into the town which is bad enough as it is.
3. The removal of trees and the loss of the soil would increase the amount of run off rainwater that ends up running down the roads and through gardens. This freezes in winter and is dangerous for motorists and pedestrians. There is a high elderly population who live in this area -they would be unable to get out in bad weather. The increase in the traffic would also be more dangerous for the very young and elderly.
4. There are lots of empty properties in Kendal and if these houses are not affordable because thereis not a lot of well paid employment in Kendal then these houses would just stand empty or be bought by people outside Kendal as holiday homes. As a young person living in kendal, it looks like I will have to leave Kendal to find meaningful employment.
5. The main trainline to London runs at the top of the hill bordering this land. We can already feel vibrations from heavy goods trains that run along this line. Houses built nearer would suffer more. Also, while train accidents are rare -they do happen as proved only a few years ago. Any new houses would be dangerously close to the track.
Overall, I feel it would be a huge loss to the residents and visitors to kendal who have access to this land for walking, bird watching and enjoyment of the landscape and once lost it could never be recovered. I alsofeel that previous decisions by SLDC not to build have been the right ones.