2 responses from Mrs Jenny Redhead (Individual)
1. Mrs Jenny Redhead (Individual) : 14 Apr 2011 20:17:00
Map Number
41 Swarthmoor
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
RN109M, R687SW, R684SW, RN52
Community uses
Please explain your reasons
I am opposed to the development of the above sites in Swarthmoor for a number of reasons. Swarthmoor is already a large village and if it was increased in size would lose its idenitfy as a village and begin to feel like a 'suburb' of Ulverston. The village would feel even more split by the A590 than it already does. The traffic coming through the village via the A590 is extremely busy and junctions are always gridlocked. To increase traffic flow, particularly around Kingsley Avenue and Croos a Moor will cause many more problems; including slowing of the A590 traffic, congestion, accidents and cars unable to get out of the village. The local school is full to capacity. The countryside around Swarthmoor is beautiful and I am opposed to the use of Green Field sites for housing when there are many Brown Field sites in Ulverston which are in desperate need of development.
Do you think that your area needs new or improved community facilities? If so, what sort of facilities and where?
Please explain the types of improved and/or new community facilities your community may need in the next 15 years
Affordable housing in Ulverston town.
2. Mrs Jenny Redhead (Individual) : 7 Jun 2011 15:17:00
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