Response from Ms Linda Berriman (Individual)
1. Ms Linda Berriman (Individual) : 12 Apr 2011 19:04:00
Map Number
1 (1 of 6) Kendal Main Proposals
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
R121 M
Other designation - if you want to comment on something that doesn't have a site reference e.g., development boundary, town centre boundary, green gap, please select it here
Development Boundary
No view
No view
Community uses
No view
Open space
Please explain your reasons
I object to the proposed development of R121M for the following reasons:-
I am at a loss to understand why other sites on the proposal have been marked as subject to serious flooding and this site has not. Flooding onto Castle Green Lane from Sedbergh road occurs frequently. The Beck running directly under my neighbour's garden also floods into my garden more frequently. When I first moved into my house 20 years ago,there was no flooding. What assurances will we receive from your selves and any proposed developer that the drainage sytem needed to sustain 147 extra houses on this site will be incorporated into any building plans? The current drainage system would not cope with the extra runoff from 147 extra concrete drives and the roadsetc.
It is not clear whether the boundary includes the row of trees currently sited at the rear of the houses on Oaktree Road will be taken down which would add to the problem of water run off from these fields.
In winter when the excess of water on the roads freeze on Oaktree Road and Castle Green Lane, navigating out of the estate becomes dangerous both on foot and especially driving. Last winter, I was unable to stop the car at the bottom of Sedbergh Road and skidded into a car coming up Castle Green Lane.
Environmental Impact
I am unable to find an Environmental Impact assessment of this proposal on your website.
I am aware of the variety and populations of wildlife that currently inhabit this area including the amazing variety of Birds including Kestrels, Herons, Moor Hens, Owls,Blue tits etc as well as the moles ,voles, frogs, toads and the insects that they feed on. What will happen to the colony of Great Crested Newts? This is apart from the domesticated animals that also use this land and help create the environment for these wild species.
I was amazed to read about this land allocation proposal at the same time as reading of SLDCs problem with Air pollution at the bottom of Sedbergh road in Kendal. Will not another 147+ cars going into andthrough Town not exascerbate the problem?
It is not clear how access to these 147 houses will be made or which roads would be used.If access is straight onto Castle Green Lane , this would lead to queues of traffic on Castle Green lane into town.
I do not have any feel that SLDC has a vision for Kendal's future. It is not an industrial town and its historical market trading credentials are being seriously eroded. If its future is Tourism then surely the reasons why people come to Kendal are being negated. One of the main reasons The Castle Green Hotel attracts people to its site is because of the beauty of its surroundings and access to beautiful areas for rambling and wildlife.
It is unclear to me what and who 'affordable' housing would be available to. Without a national govermental policy on second homes, how would SLDC guarantee that the affordable housing is allocated to local people? Given the recession we are experiencing at the moment it is unclear to me how affordable these houses will be and who in the local population will be able to afford them given the employment situation in Kendal.
The closure of the Tourist Information office in Kendal does not bode well for Kendal's future ability to attract tourists on which much employment in Kendal depends.
Development Boundary
As far as I am aware the change of Boundary associated with this development has not been consulted on with the local population.
I STRONGLY object to to not being consulted about this and the fact that any change to the Boundary would have been brought about through this 'back door'.
I strongly object to the Development proposal R121 for Environmental, Economic, Flooding reasons outlined above and the change in Development Boundary.
The reasons for previous decisions by SLDC that this landscape is valuable and irreplaceable to Kendal Town and its residents still stand.