Response from Mr Chris Allonby (Individual)
1. Mr Chris Allonby (Individual) : 10 Apr 2011 15:45:00
Map Number
35 (3 of 5) Ulverston South
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Community uses
Open space
Other (please specify)
Continuing use as farmland
Other (as specified above)
Please explain your reasons
The proposed land allocation at RN131M is detached from all other suggested areas and currently developed areas, and if developed would result in an unnecessary intrusion of the built environment into the open countryside. The proposed area has a development-restricting aqueduct running through it, which might result in further fragmentation of the available land should it be developed. The proposed area is almost a mile from the nearest amenities and residents would have no alternative but to use cars or public transport to access all services, including shops and schools. The proposed development would result in the loss of arable farmland. The case for additional housing in Ulverston to the extent that detached areas on the periphery of the town must be developed to meet employment needs, has not been made. Employment opportunities are currently declining in Ulverston and are likely to do so into the future.
Do you think that your area needs new or improved community facilities? If so, what sort of facilities and where?
Please explain the types of improved and/or new community facilities your community may need in the next 15 years
Nothing major currently required, but any new developments should be wholly within the present built-up area, to pevent urban sprawl.