3 responses from Mr. Peter Dudek (Individual)
1. Mr. Peter Dudek (Individual) : 6 Apr 2011 22:17:00
Map Number
1 (1 of 6) Kendal Main Proposals
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Please explain your reasons
We feel that building on this scale on a Conservation Area approach to the Auld Grey Town, which is as yet unspoilt by modern development should be resisted. The Consultation Document emphasises the importance of minimising the impact on the landscape, but this appears to have been ignored in this proposal. The view from the Scar, an open aspect much valued by residents and visitors, should be preserved.
Any residential development would inevitably increase traffic on Queen's Road and Gillingate, passing nursery and junior schools, and any increase in traffic on Greenside and Beast Banks would exacerbate problems at the junction with High Tenterfell. It is unrealistic to expect the majority of the residents to walk or cycle into the town centre up and down a very steep hill. The Kendal Transport Assessment (2009) said that the highway network could not cope with any additional traffic on Underbarrow Road and Brigsteer Road.
The development would lead to an increase in surface water run-off, with a risk of flooding of Ghyllside and Blind Beck.
2. Mr. Peter Dudek (Individual) : 6 Apr 2011 22:48:00
Map Number
1 (1 of 6) Kendal Main Proposals
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Other (please specify)
Household Waste Recycling Facility
Other (as specified above)
Please explain your reasons
Allowing the public access to the facility would substantially increase the traffic flow up Gillingate, Beast Banks and Queen's Road, and this would include a number of vehicles towing trailers. Unless these have been loaded very carefully, the steep hills and/or speed bumps on Queen's Road could result in debris on the roads and a potential danger to pedestrians and other road users. Heavily loaded vehicles coming up the hill will create exhaust and noise pollution in a residential area that includes schools and an old peoples' home.
There would be an increased risk of fly-tipping on the approach to the town, close to the National Park Boundary.
Visibility at the entrance to the site is not good, and it would present a traffic hazard.
3. Mr. Peter Dudek (Individual) : 6 Apr 2011 23:02:00
Map Number
1 (1 of 6) Kendal Main Proposals
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Please explain your reasons
Any proposal which leads to an increase in traffic through the residential areas of Gillingate, Queens' Road and Greenside should be resisted. Warehousing units will inevitably generate heavy goods traffic, in addition to light vans and cars.
An extension to the site will be visually obtrusive on the edge of the National Park, creating an industrial zone and changing the character of the Conservation Area.