Response from Ms Sandra Walsh (Individual)
1. Ms Sandra Walsh (Individual) : 20 Mar 2011 10:28:00
Grange over Sands
Map Number
30 (3 of 4) Grange South
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
R449 and R74
Community uses
Support in part
Open space
Please explain your reasons
This area currently lies outside the development area and should remain so. Access to this part of Kents Bank Road is particularly difficult, a blind hill on a corner with fast traffic, blind access from Cart Lane, small or no pavements. Traffic will increase when the developments in Flookbrough and Allithwaite are complete, to increase housing at this location will create a very dangerous traffic situation.
Do you think that your area needs new or improved community facilities? If so, what sort of facilities and where?
Please explain the types of improved and/or new community facilities your community may need in the next 15 years
Traffic flow in the town centre
Facilities for teenagers and young families
more visible policing