Response from Mr Peter William Thompson (Individual)
1. Mr Peter William Thompson (Individual) : 4 Apr 2011 11:24:00
Map Number
25 Sedgwick
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Community uses
Open space
No view
Other (please specify)
It has come to our notice that some of the residents of Hill Close and Well Heads Lane are suggesting the site RN19 as an alterative to RN175M and RN18M.
Other (as specified above)
Please explain your reasons
Objection to Site RN19 being put forward as an option for housing.
Although Site RN19 has not been put forward as an emerging option for housing it has been suggested as an alternative site by residents of Hill close and Well heads lane in their response to RN175M and RN18M proposals.
The RN19 site has been opportunistically put forward by the landowner (Wadsworth Maize Maze Farm Park) after a previous refusal.
More points to note in addition to the Development Plan Document.
There is a High Pressure National Grid gas pipe line running North to South through the site and a gas sub station which supplies the surrounding villages with gas. There are overhead power lines crossing the site and also an underground power line to the North side of Sedgwick. An underground watercourse runs under the lower part of the RN19 site causing flooding after heavy rain.
Access to the Crosscrake road would be dangerous the adjacent main line railway bridge is single file also above Raines Hall single file, between Carex Farm and Lillesdean. Traffic confrontations are regular and it is only really single file.
Motorists take short cuts through the village from Brettargh Holt Roundabout on route to Asda/Focus, Hospital and Oxenholme main line Station. The Maize Maze Farm Park has become a major visitor attraction advertised open in April but I note Caravan Club events in March. Traffic is outgrowing this country lane. The Crosscrake road is deemed unsafe for children to walk to School and a bus is provided but will this be funded in the future?
It has been stated that only four houses overlook the site. This is incorrect as the 10 houses on the east side of Castle View can see the site due to the road curve and height. All19 houses would be affected by the loss of a wide open good quality landscape to the North. The Development of Wakefield Meadow obscures the views already to the West of bungalows on the lower side of Castle View they would be virtually surrounded if RN19 was developed.
RN19 Is readily viewed from Natland Road, the Kendal bypass, National trust land and long distance from The Lake District National Park.