Response from Miss Caroline Hodgson (Individual)
1. Miss Caroline Hodgson (Individual) : 10 Feb 2011 19:08:00
Map Number
1 (5 of 6) Kendal South East
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
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Propsed Number of Dwellings on Green Gap site
Open space
Please explain your reasons
I am writing with regard to the proposed development RN117M at the rear of several properties on the Valley Drive Estate.I am concerned that any development of this greenfield site would be detrimental to the surrounding area.
The sites are designated for affordable housing, but are unsuitable for the following reasons:
1) There are no local employment opportunities in Kendal to sustain this request.
2) Several overhead power cables cross the proposed site RN117M. These would need to be relocated.
3) The site is "greenfield" public open space and any development would remove mature trees and reduce the rural appearance of the area, as well as being un-neighborly for those living in the immediate proximity. Many homes surround this proposed area and loss of privacy would be a major factor.
4) Additional surface water runoff would also be a problem as contrary to some reports this area does flood regularly.
Input on Valley Drive Thoroughfares
The local road system is far from capable of taking the amount of traffic which would be generated. The local estate roads are not at all suitable which would place the whole burden onto proposed cul-de-sac entrance which are far too narrow to sustain the number of vehicles requiring access. The increased amount of traffic it will generate onto an already overused and dangerous bit of road doesn't bear thinking about as there are a number of small children who live in close proximity of the site. The access into the field would also cause great problems as there is already a problem with speeding along this stretch of road and vehicles would be leaving the site blind as visibility is very poor- an accident waiting to happen.
Green Gap Site
The site RN117M is presently an important green gap separating a number of housing estates, with a clearly defined edge to the urban area of Kendal. Development, even if set back from the road, would destroy this effect and go a long way to joining up the two settlements Castle Estate, Valley Drive (which has had numerous developments already added over the last 20 years) adjoining Wain Home developments opening up Valley Drive right through to Kendal Parks estate through to Oxenholme. It is not sufficient to propose that the remaining open area RN117M would act as a 'green gap' - this would have virtually no effect and would leave a rather useless piece of land. There is also a bridleway and public footpath which walkers enjoy and children have the use of the land as an area for outdoor activities. A historic sheep fold is also situated on the proposed land. The land is also used for farm animals to graze (sheep and cows). A safe area away from the busy road that Valley Drive has now become due to over development during the past two decades.