2 responses from Dr. & Mrs Michael & Anke Green (Individual)
1. Dr. & Mrs Michael & Anke Green (Individual) : 6 Feb 2011 21:17:00
Map Number
33 Cartmel (with Headless Cross)
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Support in part
Please explain your reasons
The access road ON17 to the site R112 will necessitate the removal of an old (oak?) tree and will run unacceptably close to the Quaker Meeting House. The other access (R336) will also infringe on Quaker property.
Alternative access at the North East corner of the plot using a mini roundabout should be considered.
2. Dr. & Mrs Michael & Anke Green (Individual) : 6 Feb 2011 21:33:00
Grange over Sands
Map Number
30 (3 of 4) Grange South
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Support in part
Community uses
Open space
Please explain your reasons
We are planning to buy the house "The Vache", Kents Bank Road, which looks over both the field R110 as well as the Memorial Fields adjacent to it. We have a superb view out over Morecambe Bay and also over to Arnside and The Knott.
We accept that R110 is suitable for housing but would greatly regret it if our views were affected by tall houses built close to Kents Bank Road.
We would welcome low, well-built houses of visually pleasing design with some open spaces between them.
Our area contains lots of modern houses, mostly bungalows, built close together and extremely dull to look at!