Response from Mr Ivan Marcus Leigh (Individual)
1. Mr Ivan Marcus Leigh (Individual) : 6 Apr 2011 15:43:00
Map Number
1 (2 of 6) Kendal North West
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
R44 - R46- RN169 - E65
Community uses
Open space
Please explain your reasons
I have previously submitted my commements in February 2009 in relation to the original consultation, when the area of proposed development was considerably smaller than that now proposed. I trust that my previous comments will again be taken into consideration with regard to the current proposals.
I understand the need for more affordable housing in the area and as a consequence, do not object to the areas R44 and R46 being considered for housing development in themselves. However, the area RN169 is now such a potentially large development, that all my earlier comments are even more relevant.
Any development on such a large scale will inevitably produce an adverse visual impact, but placed as it is, in an area of such outstanding visual amenity, the effects will be particularly intrusive. It is difficult to see how such a development could ever be effectively screened, lying as it does in open countryside, below the Southern approach to Kendal and prominantly visible from Windermere Road. The consequential visual effect of looking down on the roofs of the properties from Windermere Road, would in my opinion, be detrimental to and destroy, what is accepted by many, as one of the most beautiful and outstanding scenic approaches to the historic town of Kendal.
The inevitable increased traffic generated by such a large development would presumably necessitate improved traffic engineering measures at Windermere Road. The resultant safety considerations and the topography in this area,in the vicinity of the existing access to Lane Foot Farm, would make any engineering measures extensive, expensive and would create an adverse intrusive impact and be detrimental to the visual aspects at Windermere Road itself.
If, in the circumstances, it proves necessary to carry out some development in this area, I would request that serious consideration is given to reducing the scale of this proposal and to consider making any access to it being via Garth Brow. This would require the development being smaller in size, but would have the advantage of providing better access from any new development to the existing shops and community centre in the area. It may also facilitate easier and less expensive capital costs in providing the highway, sewage and utility services that will be required.
I understand that the area under consideration is subject to restrictions and covenants imposed by the National Trust. Lying as it does, close to the National Park boundary, it is unlikely that such restrictions will be readily overcome, which could mean that any development will have to conform to the National Trust requirements and the costs that these will incur.
If the object of the proposal is to provide economic social housing, then the costs of the engineering requirements, traffic management, screening works, environmental measures and National Trust requirements, needed to render this development acceptable, may well not be compatible with that objective on this site.
In summary, if the need for more houses necessitates development in this location, (and I sincerely hope it does not), then I would request that serious consideration is given to the following aspects:-
(a) reduction of the proposed development to a much smaller footprint.
(b) construct any access and services to it via Garth Brow
(c) implement extensive screening, landscaping and planting to ensure the visual impact is mitigated (preferably implemented, as far as possible, before construction commences)
(d) restrict the density of development to ensure that as much open space as possible is provided
(e) implement a full environmental assessment and carry out mitigation measures prior to construction being approved
(f) Consider moving the western boundary of the proposal as far away from Windermere Road as possible.