Response from Mr Anthony Connor (Individual)
1. Mr Anthony Connor (Individual) : 24 Mar 2011 13:12:00
Burton in Kendal
Map Number
7 Burton in Kendal (with Clawthorpe)
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
Community uses
Support in part
Open space
No view
Please explain your reasons
I am not against development in Burton in Kendal but this site (R681M) is entirely innappropriate for a number of reasons. (i)It is a steep site with considerable drainage problems especially during the winter period and at other times of heavy rain. (ii) Morewwood Drive is the only access road which is already busy and congested especially at particular times, morning and evening and at school opening and closing times. Housing on this site would more than double the number of cars using this road thereby making the congestion far worse. (iii)On many occasions the drains on Morewood Drive cannot cope with the amount of ground water flowing down; with 50 plus houses built above the existing properties this could make the situation far worse. (iv) A public footpath exists along the bottom of this site, this is very important route for local people, it's integrity must be preserved. (v) In more general terms there is very little or no local employment in Burton in Kendal or the local area so new homeowners would almost certainly be commuters therefore increasing the traffic in the area. (vi) The Primary School (Morewood) is operating currently at near full capacity therefore potentially increased demand could have a major impact on the school due to a shortage of available places. It may require addtional development to cater for the demand. (vii)There is a lack of Local amenities a PO/Shop, Butchers, One Public house and a Village Hall are all that are available.
If housing development is to go ahead albeit hopefully at a reduced scale the site MN26 seems more appropriate for development as it has much better access, it is not a steep site and as far as I know does not have drainage problems.
The number of houses proposed for all of these sites in Burton in Kendal needs to be reduced considerably, if this is done local people may be inclined to accept and support proposals.
Do you think that your area needs new or improved community facilities? If so, what sort of facilities and where?
Please explain the types of improved and/or new community facilities your community may need in the next 15 years
With the current financial situation it might be difficult to retain our existing community facilities let alone increasing them.