Response from Miss Helen Rice (Individual)
1. Miss Helen Rice (Individual) : 12 Apr 2011 21:16:00
Map Number
35 (3 of 5) Ulverston South
Site reference number (e.g. R62) - If your comment is about a specific site you must indicate the correct site reference.
R242, R697M, R126M, R691ULV, RN184, R690ULV
No view
No view
Community uses
No view
Open space
No view
Other (as specified above)
No view
Please explain your reasons
I oppose the housing development proposed for Ulverston South for the following reasons:
1. Croftlands is a densely-built housing estate with very little green public space so building onto an large estate with up to 1200 more houses would make living conditions oppressive for residents.
2. There is regular flooding in the fields to the south of Croftlands estate, and building on that land would cause extra surface run-off from heavy rain would be likely to cause flooding lower down in Croftlands.
3. The town centre, public amenities, and schools in Ulverston cannot expand to support another large housing estate.
4. The proposed housing estate is in close vicinity to Birkrigg Common, an area of outstanding natural beauty - previous proposals for moving the town boundary have been quashed for this reason.
5. All of the proposed housing is on green-field sites - these should be preserved until all brown-field sites have been re-developed.
6. The proposed housing is unlikely to be affordable for young locals due to the cost of land in Ulverston.
7. There have been 100s of job losses in Ulverston recently so there is not the employment to justify housing development.
Notes on the map that has been provided
Re-develop the brown-field site to the south of Ulverston Canal - raised apartments (avoiding the risk of flooding) could provide affordable housing in a pleasant environment for local housebuyers / renters.
Barrow-in-Furness has more opportunities for employment and brown-field sites for re-development.